Streamlined Automated Onboarding
Get up and running easily and quickly by registering your company in the MassPayout onboarding platform. Upload your documents, choose the MassPayout services that your company needs, and get approved instantly.

Manual or Batch Upload your Payouts
MassPayout is easy and puts the power to pay in your payees hands. You simply upload the individuals and companies to pay and MassPayout handles the rest.

Payees Invited to Register & Choose Payout Option
Your payees will receive a notification of your payout and are brought to a secure website to register and choose the payout option they prefer. Payees have the option to default this method for all future payouts.

Manual or Batch Upload your Payouts
MassPayout is easy and puts the power to pay in your payees hands. You simply upload the individuals and companies to pay and MassPayout handles the rest.